Step 6:
Draft Your Paper

Organizing Notes

As you begin to write your research paper, you need to first organize your notes.


Many people find that their writing goes smoother if they first create a formal outline.

Writing the Opening

The opening paragraph generally lays out your thesis.

Writing the Body

The body of your paper is where you write your arguments supported by specific examples and other details.

Incorporating Sources

Incorporating sources into your research paper is not simply a matter of including direct quotes. In fact, too many direct quotes is a often a sign of a poorly written research paper.

Writing the Conclusion

You sum up your arguments in the conclusion of your paper.

Formatting Your Paper

By getting your paper in its proper format from the beginning, you will save time during the revision process.

Most college papers follow either the APA format or the MLA format.

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"Writing the Declaration of Independence, 1776"
Artist: Jean Leon Gerome Ferris

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