Gulf of Tonkin Reporting
This example was recommended by Jim Luke.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident was actually two separate incidents. The first took place when it was reported on that on 2 August 1964 USS Maddox was attacked by three North Vietnamese Torpedo boats. The second took place two days later. Both reports were false.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident was used as justification to increase America's involvement in the Vietnam conflict.
Suggestions for Further Reading
Johnson, Lyndon B. "Report on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident (August 4, 1964)." Miller Center, University of Virginia.
Lowmazow, Steven. "The truth about Lyndon Johnson's Gall Bladder Scar." FDR's Deadly Secret. 29 March 2011.
MCamericanpresident. "Lyndon Johnson — Report on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident [4 Aug. 1964]." YouTube. 13 June 2008.
Prados, John. "Essay: 40th Anniversary of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident." National Security Achieve, The George Washington University. 4 August 2004.
"Tonkin Gulf Intelligence 'Skewed' According to Official History and Intercepts: Newly Declassified National Security Agency Documents Show Analysts Made 'SIGINT fit the claim' of North Vietnamese Attack." National Security Achieve, The George Washington University. 1 Dec. 2005.