Promoting Integrity at the Classroom Level:
Help Students Become Scholars

Writing in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Barbara Fister (2002) observes that, "students sent into the library to work on a paper or presentation must invent themselves as scholars"”but we often neglect to explain what that really means, other than giving them a Byzantine set of rules on how to cite sources and dire warnings of plagiarism."

Too often, students do not see that the work they are doing is authentic; that they are not doing real scholarship. (Moore, 2001; Saunders, 1993) As a result, they become product oriented and forget about the process. (Coffey and Casey, 2001; Lathrop and Foss, 2000)

We can help students learn to be scholars by

  • Developing assignments that have real world connections
  • Making sure that students understand why the assignment is not just busy work
  • Stressing process over final product
  • Assigning digital literacy projects

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