Promoting Integrity at the Classroom Level:
Discussion of the International Center for Academic Integrity

Ask students to visit the International Center for Academic Integrity Web Site. They could incorporate what they learned as part of an online discussion. Or they could bring examples of things they learned to class.

The mission statement of the International Center for Academic Integrity is:

The International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) was founded to combat cheating, plagiarism, and academic dishonesty in higher education. Its mission has since expanded to include the cultivation of cultures of integrity in academic communities throughout the world. ICAI offers assessment services, resources, and consultations to its member institutions, and facilitates conversations on academic integrity topics each year at its annual conference.

In order to meet the continually evolving needs of our membership in future years, ICAI encourages, supports, and shares research that predicts, describes, and responds to trends and issues relating to academic integrity standards and practices. ICAI membership benefits are extended to faculty, administrators, students, and staff at membership institutions around the globe, and to its individual members, partners, and supporting organizations.

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