Promoting Integrity in Assignments:
Break Assignment into Parts

Even if faculty member knows that students are capable of writing a specific type of paper, the student might be overwhelmed with the assignment. Instead of simply assigning a paper, it is better for faculty to design a series of assignments that concluded with a finished paper or project.

For example, a student might be overwhelmed when asked to write a research paper. Yet, this same student would have no trouble completing the following series of assignments; especially when explicit directions were given with each part.

A series of assignments also helps students use their time more wisely because it forces them to pace their research throughout the semester. If a research proposal is due in Week 4 and a bibliography is due in Week 6, students cannot wait to begin their research until the night before the paper is due.

Finally, by giving these discrete assignments, we are able to help insure better quality research because we can provide feedback to students throughout the research and writing process.

The Back Porch Guide to the Research Paper and the on-line tutorial "Writing a Research Paper" breaks the research writing process into parts and can be used as supplementary texts in your classroom.

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Photo Credit: Kimhunghan