Step 1:
Learn Quality Standards

Quality standards for research papers vary from discipline to discipline and from class to class. For example, some disciplines require that your paper use the format developed by the Modern Language Association. Others require the American Psychological Association format. And others require a variety of other formats.

In some classes you may only be required to write a brief three to five page paper. In others, the requirement could be up to 20 pages or more.

You should consult your course syllabus to learn the specific expectations for the research paper you have to write.

General Quality Standards for Research Papers

Although quality standards vary, there are some basic requirements for a research paper that are common to most disciplines. These standards are reflected in the Core Skills Writing Rubric.

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Student writing.

I show students Explosion of a Motor Car, an early British film by Cecil Hempworth, as a cautionary tale about what happens if they don't follow quality standards.