Promoting Integrity at the Classroom Level:
Group Work

Study groups, learning communities, and group projects can build classroom relationships.

In her overall positive analysis of group work, Mary Beckman (1990) cautions that, "although collaborative learning has many advantages for today's students, it is not a panacea. Moreover, we need to examine our collaborative classrooms, teaching methods, and evaluation for unspoken rules and hidden control." But well constructed groups can facilitate positive relationships within the classroom.

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References and Resources

Beckman, Mary. "Collaborative Learning." College Teaching 38.4 (1990): 128+.

Gillespie, Kay Herr. "Editor's Page: T he Concept of Learning Communities." Innovative Higher Education 25.3 (2005): 161-163.

Hendry, Graham D., Sarah J. Hyde, and Peter Davy. "Independent Student Study Groups." Medical Education 39.7 (2005): 672-679.