Does the writing reflect competence in standard English grammar as evidenced by writing that is reasonably free from:

Engaging introduction


The writing establishes a clear focus on topic and thesis statement which is smoothly linked by transitions. Some unnecessary information provided.
The writing does not establish a clear focus from the beginning. Although the purpose is present, it is difficult to understand. Paper is not engaging; very ordinary.
The purpose is confusing. Thesis unclear or not present.
No evidence.

Engaging Introduction
Core Skills Writing Rubric


In the introduction of your paper, you need to grab your reader's attention and then give him or her enough information so that they will want to continue reading. The thesis of your paper is also part of the introduction.

Although it might seem natural to begin drafting your paper by writing the introduction first, some authors do not write this important paragraph until last.

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Standards of
Core Skills Writing Rubric

  1. Standard English
  2. Spelling, Punctuation, Word Choice Errors
  3. Run-on Sentences
  4. Fragments
  5. Agreement Errors
  6. Facts and Data
  7. Details and Examples
  8. Reasons
  9. Correct Citations
  10. Engaging Introduction
  11. Unified Body Paragraphs
  12. Purposeful Conclusion

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