IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Modern Language Association updated their guidelines on April 1, 2016. We have not yet updated this section of Resources for Researchers to reflect these changes. We have ordered a copy of the new guidelines and will update as soon as possible.

Parts of a Citation:

When writing a title in your citation, you should include the subtitle. For example, the title of the web site located at is "Triumph of the Will: Celebration and Manipulation."

While it is easy to identify the title of a book or article, sometimes it is difficult to determine the title of a web site. This can be particularly true for home pages, such as the one designed by the New York Public Library Digital Gallery. In this case, you would use "Home Page" as the title.

If you are not sure about the title for an Internet page, the best thing to do is to print out a copy of the page and show it to your professor.

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