Example of a Thesis Map

The following thesis map is for my essay "Getting to Know and Instructor."

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Paragraph #1

Thesis for paper: Students should get to know one instructor each semester.

Body Paragraph #2

Body Paragraph #3

Body Paragraph #4

Topic Sentence: It will be easier to contact the instructor in the future.

Topic Sentence: Instructor can serve as a mentor.

Topic Sentence: The class will be more enjoyable.

Which classes should I take?

Advice on careers and goals.

Classes that are not on your favorite topic go better if you like an instructor.

Having trouble at university.

AA student transferring to university.

Getting to know an instructor helps you better like him/her.

If you are not comfortable, you might not contact former instructor for help.

Relationship is mutually beneficial.

Research shows that liking an instructor helps you better like a class.

Paragraph #5

Professors helped me shape my life: Glen Wright, John Reid, W. Fred Graham, Milt Powell, Cathy Davidson, Mary Schneider. Because I got to know them, I benefited.

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